Hello, I'm Steven Yu!

Who am I?

I'm a high school student, who enjoys coding as a hobby. In addition to coding, I am part of my school's Model UN leadership, run a computer science club at my school, swim, and I like to play video games with my friends.

How was this website made?

This website was generated with Swift using Publish, the full source code for this site is available on my repo here (Swift code is in the author branch, outputted html/css files are in the master branch)!

What technologies do you use?

I am able to use Git/GitHub and currently focused on Swift (SwiftUI) development. I also have used Java, R, and Python. I do UI design with Adobe XD and Adobe Photoshop.

Where can I reach you?

You can reach out to me using any of the links in the footer, although it is best to reach out to me through email.